
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hallett Peak

Hallett Peak by Scott Ruthven
20"x16" Oil on canvas

This majestic peak climbs to 12,713 feet in Rocky Mountain National Park.  The view I've painted is just above Dream Lake.  Hallett Peak sits right on the Continental Divide and really is breathtaking.

I'd love your feedback and thanks for the "Likes"

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Simple Pleasures - Happy Valentine's Day!

Simple Pleasures by Scott Ruthven
8"x6" Oil on canvas panel
This was sure a fun still-life to paint.  The bold, solid colors on the bag contrast with the intricate shapes in the chocolate's foil wrapper.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Winter Marsh

Winter Marsh by Scott Ruthven
6"x8" Oil on linen

Colorado has bright, sunny days throughout winter.  Cold temps + bright sunshine make for lots of great scenes to paint.  The cold, dark water contrasting with the bright reeds attracted me to this scene.  I painted it on site.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Nearly Finished

14"x11" Oil By Scott Ruthven

I've painted this scene as a preliminary to a larger piece I hope to start this month.  I used photos and plein air paintings as sources for this work.  My focus was on composition and color shapes.  There are a few changes I will make to the larger work but before jumping into it I will let this one soak in for a while.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


A little 5"x7" painted along side my car as the sun went down on a freezing cold day.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Riverside Sketch

Yesterday while the kids and I were walking the dog I found this view along the river.  The grasses behind the tree were warm and bright; glowing against the cool violet grays framing them.  So, I went back today after work and painted this study to capture the colors and some compositional details which I can us for a larger painting.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Arapaho Bend

This is really a study of color and light.  I like the higher contrast in this one.  Painted on site.
6"x8" Oil on canvas mounted to panel

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Moonrise by Scott Ruthven
8"x10" Oil on canvas board

Here's a plein air painting I did in the last 30 minutes of daylight.  It was only 9 degrees F but the light was so subtle and beautiful that I had to capture it.  The paint was so stiff I literally had to plow my size 10 flat in to paint and plaster it on.  This view is looking across a frozen lake at the moonrise.  Of course the photo wasn't able to depict the subtle color shifts.

Thanks for looking!