
Monday, January 30, 2012

Stunning Paintings and Video by Riusuke Fukahori

Artwork by Riusuke Fukahori
 Yes, these are paintings!  

Artist Riusuke Fukahori makes these wonderful works of art by painting the fish in between layers of resin that he builds up inside these wooden bowls and boxes.  What a fun way to make a three dimensional artwork.  Obviously the fish are wonderful but the executing the work in these wooden bowls really makes them look authentic.  Don't miss the video at the end of the post.

Artwork by Riusuke Fukahori

Have a great week!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Poudre River Plein Air Sketch

Poudre River Plein Air Sketch by Scott Ruthven 5"x7" Oil on canvas board

Hi everyone!  Here is a study I painted on site last weekend on the Poudre River in the Colorado Rockies.    The river is 90% frozen over but there are areas such as this where the cold, dark water breaks through.  The air temp was only 18 degrees F and the sky was grey overcast.  I set my easel up on the ice at the center of the river.  After two hours, I was a little cold but a couple sips of Scottish antifreeze warmed me back up ;p

Monday, January 23, 2012

Long, Cold Day

"Long, Cold Day" by Scott Ruthven 8"x8" Oil on canvas

These little birds were doing their best to stay warm on a frosty day.  I used just three colors for this painting: Titanium White, Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Roger Åkesson - Artist To Watch!

"Looking Up - Mini" by Roger Akesson, 8x8" Acrylic on Canvas Board

I would like to introduce you to a unique and wonderful artist named Roger Åkesson.  When I saw Roger's work for the first time, his bold, unique painting style really impressed me.  So many artists paint similar subjects with similar results, but Roger's confident, efficient brushwork guided by strong, unique compositions make his work immediately recognizable.

I bought the piece pictured above from Roger last month and although he lives in Malmo, Sweden, nearly halfway around the world from me, I was able to pay in US dollars using PayPal and the painting arrived safe and sound in a couple of weeks via the USPS.

It couldn't be easier to collect Roger's wonderful art!

I encourage you to check out (and buy) Roger's work at:
Roger's Blog: Art By Roger

Roger's Gallery at

Let me know what you think!  Oh, and remember to click the "Like" button and share this with your friends!