
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Mt. Meeker en Plein Air

Mt. Meeker by Scott Ruthven - 8x10" Plein Air Oil

Over the Christmas holiday I headed up to the Colorado mountains for some painting!  Mt. Meeker is located between Estes Park and Allen's Park along Hwy 7.  I drove into the back country until the climb and snow were too much for my car then hiked another mile to get this view. 


  1. Wow, beautiful spot. Nice depth in your painting.

  2. Wonderful paintings on your blog- thanks for visiting mine and I am so glad to find you right back. Love plein air painting and you have a gift! Following you and will enjoy seeing all the gorgeous artwork to come.

  3. Great painting Scott. I have the upmost respect for artists like you who can capture a scene ''en plein air'' like you do. You're very talented!

  4. What a magic place for painting en plein air.

    Very good work.

  5. Hi Scott - I really enjoyed visiting here. Your work is exquisite! Thanks for the shiny bulb demo - I learned something about getting values before color. I'm discovering that painting reflective surfaces is quite addictive - and you've inspired me to do more of it. Lovely plein air here too!

  6. Hallo grazie della visita al mio blog...sei davvero molto bravo, complimenti...Happy new Year!

  7. Great paintings Scott, And great location!

  8. Looks cold. Love the x-mas bulb, has a crisp and shiny look. Good work.

  9. Love the organic shapes in this and how they lead the eye. The ornaments are exquisite! Thanks for visiting my blog...loved looking through your work!

  10. Good Morning Scott!... I truly enjoyed my first visit to your wonderful site!

    It would seem that we share many similar passions... for painting and doing it in the outdoors!

    I love the painterly quality of your outdoor work... but your interest and ability to step into more demanding realistic genre with subjects like your Xmas Bright piece.

    Thank you for sharing your techniques and your enthusiasm for painting! I'll certainly be back!

    Good plein airing in 2012!
    Warmest regards,

  11. Thanks everyone for your nice comments and taking time to tour my blog.
