
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Daffodils - Oil on Panel

Daffodils 11x14" Oil on Panel - Scott Ruthven
Daffodils are a favorite of mine.  Oddly, I don't have any in my garden so this past spring when I wanted to paint some I covertly "obtained" these from the entrance to a housing development.  Delicate to look at but sturdy in structure, the Daffodil makes for good subject matter.  I wrapped these stems in wet paper towels and they kept their form for four + hours while I worked out my composition, laid in my drawing and completed the color block-in.  While most of the painting was completed Alla Prima, I did go back in once it was dry to scumble in the cool highlights from the Northern light and to build up some of the shadow areas to help the stems recede.

I just varnished and framed it and I'm really pleased with the deep, rich color and the contrast between warm and cool.  This piece really commands attention from across the room.


  1. A very nice painting of Daffodils. You show a lot of skill and focus on details.

  2. Scott your Daffodils are beautiful. Thanks for following my blog. I am following yours now.
    Jimmie Bartlett
